In order to resolve various basic concepts in Astronomy, Akashmitra Mandal conducts Basic Astronomy Course.
Akashmitra Mandal is associated with MKCL in providing a FREE course in astronomy.
For the enthusiasts in this suburb of Mumbai, Akashmitra has arranged lectures by renowned scientists, academicians
We are trying to record the occulatations visible from India. Our obeservations are submitted to international organizations.
Our team has expertise in Astrophotography. Akashmitra Mandal has scientific approach in astrophotography.
Akashmitra Mandal participates at various Science Exhibitions. We regularly participate at Science exhibition at GMRT on National Science Day
Star Gazing Programs
The stars are vanishing from the urban sky. Akashmitra arranges star gazing programs, an opportunity to meet the stars
Meteor Shower
We at Akashmitra Mandal follows prominent Meteor showers, our observations are on the records of IMO
Akashmitra Mandal has followed solar eclispses visible from India. We have also enganged people in viewing Transits.