Astronomical Events January-2024

compilation by: Rohan Yadav

Observations endorsed by IOTA

Yet another feather in AM’s cap.

Akashmitra Mandal (AM) has been observing stellar occultation events for last few years and have been submitting observations to International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA).

Following is the link related to this occultation event:

Last year, Akashmitra Mandal proposed Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Science (ARIES) to carry observation of rare stellar occultation by Dwarf planet Pluto using 1.2m and 3.6m telescopes at Devesthal Fast Optical Telescope (DFOT). After the successful observation of the event, data reduction was done and a paper on this collaborative work with scientists from premier institutes in India (like, PRL, IIST, IIA) and abroad is published in one of the most prestigious journals in the world, Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL).
Following is the link to full text paper: